Survival guide for brain-AI newbies
Emulating great minds
Kinds of Minds (Daniel Dennett): Skinner, Popper, Gregorian intention
Thinking, Fast and Slow (Daniel Kahneman): System 1 and System 2 decision making
Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment (Daniel Kahneman, Olivier Sibony, Cass R. Sunstein): Uncertainty in decision making
Exercising analytical minds
The Alignment Problem (Brian Christian): Value alignment
The Spike (Mark Humphries): Biological neurons
The Book of Why (Judea Pearl): Causal reasoning
How Not to Be Wrong (Jordan Ellenberg): Projective plane, correlation fallacy
Being tech-savvy
ML week1. Code review (CNN)
ML week2. Code review (Boltzmann machines, Autoencoder, GAN)
ML week3. Code review (LSTM, Self-attention)
ML week4. RL (model-based/model-free/SR)
Brain week1. Model fitting on clusters / Bayesian model comparison
Brain week2. Model-based neural analysis (SPM manual + UCL SPM lecture slide, preprocessing, SPM 1st/2nd level analysis)
Brain week3. Model-based neural analysis (Bayesian model selection on neural data, PPI, DCM)
Brain week4. Model-based neural analysis (PSC, MVPA)
Simulation week1. Conference simulation (Read all of our Cosyne abstracts)
Simulation week2. Paper writing simulation (Read a few paper from our lab, cover letter, revision docs)
Research activities
Lab meeting: talking about your idea (weekly event)
Lab journal club: talking about others’ idea from your perspective (bi-weekly; the below list shows where you begin)
- Research articles: Science, Nature, Cell, Nature Neurosci., Neuron, Nature Human Beh., Nature Comm., Science Advances, PLoS Biol., Cell reports, eLife, PLoS Comp. Biol.
- Review articles: Nature Rev. Neurosci., Trends in Cog. Sci.
- ML conference proceeding papers are also welcome.Lab vision workshop: talking about where we are heading (annual event)
Summer course (for PhD students)
Brain analysis (software)
Brain analysis (general)
On-line experiment
Connect tutorial (Online experiment platform)
Amazon m-Turk tutorial (CBMM lecture)
Ten simple rules for the computational modeling of behavioral data (review article)