Selected publications
(*: corresponding authors, +: co-first authors)
Google scholar citations
Brains benefit from AI:
Yang M. A. Jung M. W., Lee S. W.*, Striatal arbitration between choice strategies guides few-shot adaptation. Nature Communications. 2025. (full text; featured in Editors’ Highlights)
[media: YTN, Digital Chosun, Herald economy, Robot news, AI Times, THE AI, Veritas-alpha, Donga Science, Nate news, news1, E-Donga, Asia economy, Daily, e-news today, kuki-news, ccnews, eDaily, YNA, kMedInfo, medipham, Popular science, eNews today, Science monitor, etc.]Kim, D., Jeong J., Lee S. W.*, Prefrontal solution to the bias-variance tradeoff during reinforcement learning. Cell Reports 37(13), 2021. (full text)
[media: AITimes, Korea Economy, Korea IT News, Seoul Economy, Seoul Economy -BioICT, Donga Science, Newsis, Daily Post, ZD Net Korea, News free zone, The Report, CC Daily News, iNews24, Web Economy, News1, Veritas-a, Newsband, Pusan Daily, SafeTimes, WorkToday, eNewsToday, eDHNews, UNN, CCN News, Lecture News, IT Daily, Wikitree, Medical Today, Economic Review, Asia Economy, Industry News, eDaily, Aju Business, Hello DD, Today Korea, etc.]Kim D, Park, G. Y., O′Doherty J. P.*, Lee, S. W.*, Task complexity interacts with state-space uncertainty in the arbitration between model-based and model-free learning, Nature Communications 10, 5738, 2019. (full text)
[media: SBS News, IT Choson, Science Times, AI Times, Wired KR, Veritas-a, KBS World Radio, Hello DD, Korea Science Economy, Robot News, Syegye News, Asia News Agency, NewsWorks, Seoul Economy Daily, ENewsKorea, Asia Economy, IT News, ZD Net Korea, etnews, e Daily, Yonhap news, Science Monitor, Korea IT News, Industry News, Science Daily, EurekAlert, INGENTIUM, ACM Tech News, Knowledia, etc.]Lee, S. W.*, O’Doherty, J. P., Shimojo, S., Neural computations mediating one-shot learning in the human brain. PLOS Biology 13(4), 2015. (full text; synopsis) [media: Caltech News, Science Daily, Medical Daily, Neuroscience News, Daily Mail U.K.]
Lee, S. W.*, Shimojo, S., O’Doherty, J. P., Neural computations underlying arbitration between model-based and model-free learning. Neuron 81, 2014. (full text, cover; preview)
[media: Caltech News, Science Daily, UPI, Neurorelay, Scicasts]
AI benefits from the brain:
Lee J. H., Heo S Y., Lee S. W.*, Controlling human causal inference through in-silico task design. Cell Report, 2024. (fulltext)
[media: Digital Chosun (interview), Donga Science, YTN, Herald Economy, news1, AI Times, Veritas-a, Asia Economy, etnews, enews Today, Chosun Biz, Robot News, Lecture News, Tech World, Shina Daily, Goodmorning Economy, University News, CCN News, Robot News, Global Economic, IT Daily, Cheonmae News, Medical Today, Work Today, Aju Economy, Newstreet, 4th]Lee, J. H.+, Seymour, B.+* Leibo, J. S., An, J., Lee, S. W.*, Towards high-performance, memory-efficient, and fast reinforcement learning: lessons from decision neuroscience. Science Robotics 4(26), eaav2975, 2019. (reprint, fulltext free download)
[media: Dongascience, Veritas-a, Yonhap news, Korea IT news, Seoul daily newspaper, Money today, Science monitor, Robot news, Daily today, Global economic, etnews, and etc.]Lee, S. W.*, Yi, T., Han, J.-S., Jung, J.-W., Bien, Z., Design of a gait phase recognition system that can cope with EMG electrode location variation. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 14(3), 2017.
Lee, S. W.*, Prenzel, O., Bien, Z., Applying human learning principles to user-centered IoT systems. IEEE Computer 46, 2013 (cover feature). (full text)
Lee, S. W.*, Kim, Y. S., Bien, Z., A non-supervised learning framework of human behavior patterns based on sequential actions. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 22(4), 2010. (full text)
Lee, S. W. and Bien, Z., Representation of a Fisher criterion function in a kernel feature space. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 21(2), 2010. (full text)